The Key Is In Us

Believe offers you access to the essence of sacred knowledge, healing for body and soul, and spiritual upliftment.

The Concept:

Return to the Source, reconnect with our inner self and nature, explore the mysteries of our incarnation, awaken to the teachings of the soul through meditation, and discover the path to spiritual healing.




⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Agnès Therapy session

Camille took me on a few months ago. I trust her because, in addition to listening, understanding and empathizing, her method is based on positive thinking and active engagement. With her natural empathy, she implements her energy work with availability. Underneath her gentleness, she is demanding, encouraging hope and progress.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Marcelle Energy treatment

Specific health problems, including eye problems, intestinal discomfort and severe anxiety, prompted me to try consulting a magnetizer. My search led me to Camille. From the very first session, I felt chills, followed by moral well-being and an improvement in my physical problems. Three subsequent sessions proved just as effective. Camille, with her benevolence, kindness and skill, has become a valuable companion, not only interested but also understanding on a material level.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Thierry Energy treatment

This year, it was stress and anxiety at work that prompted me to discover magnetism, and it was the ultimate in effectiveness, thanks to the relaxation, improved well-being and foresight of Camille Vidacek. What's more, I felt such serenity that it was as if I'd lived a past life. I recommend Camille with my eyes closed, both for her charisma and her ability to listen, not to mention her gift of premonition.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Jean Jacques Energy treatment

When Camille's mother confided in me that her daughter had a gift for magnetism, I didn't want to polemicize, because it's not abnormal to believe that one's child possesses extraordinary qualities. As far as I'm concerned, my pharmacy studies have taught me to reason in a Cartesian manner, even if I'm well aware that the inexplicable doesn't mean that what surprises us shouldn't exist!

5 years ago, when I was about to retire, I experienced intense pain under my right shoulder blade. This pain was not relieved by any medication, and the doctors must have thought it was part of a chronic illness; I had to be a fatalist! And yet, after just a few magnetism sessions, the pain diminished and finally disappeared. I'm not just talking about my general state of health, but also about the renewed energy I gained from these sessions.

Camille also made a chronic pain in her right leg disappear in just a few sessions. Other success stories make me very grateful to Camille, and I wish her continued success in "doing good" around her.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Christiane Energy treatment

I'd like to make it clear that I was affected by Covid-19, with all the symptoms, including loss of taste and smell. This remote magnetism session gave me a certain sense of well-being, a much-needed letting go that enabled me to sleep better and feel better every day.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Anonymous Energy treatment

In the days that followed, my head felt lighter and my thoughts clearer. Camille freed me from fears and thoughts that were cluttering up my mind. I needed this because I work in an environment that is far from benevolent, and I struggle on a daily basis to stand back and cope.

I recommend Camille for magnetism treatments because she's a beautiful person full of light. I can say that in the world of energy therapists, not all are in the light; some are into ego and power, even commercialism.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Thierry Energy treatment

The malaise that goes back to childhood... This session transformed me and was most decisive! Camille's efficiency was formidable, worthy of the greatest. My post-operative "pains" from an operation on January 23 have "disappeared", as have the pains under the soles of my feet that I'd been feeling for 8 days. Frankly, you can go there with your eyes closed. Me, who consults someone different every year, this time I'm seeing the same therapist twice in a row, and I'm thrilled!


The benefits of a BELIEVE retreat

  • Free your soul from your body of suffering, from false beliefs, judgments and emotional poisons such as fear, anxiety and suffering...
  • Learn to be yourself, to rediscover your original purity, to become aware of your full potential.
  • Finding peace through forgiving others and yourself
  • Rediscover the meaning of your incarnation by learning about the universe
  • Purify your mind to fulfill your life mission, to evolve towards "Samhadhi".

Everything in the universe is in you

healing with magnetism

Nikola Tesla, before introducing electricity, had discovered animal magnetism. Our energies are continually being transformed and transmitted. Pure intention and connection to a divine vibration bring about a transformation in the astral world, which is reflected on the physical plane. Our body is connected to our spirit. Our emotions are inscribed in our cells and can cause illness (le mal a dit) if the emotional poison persists. Emotional poison is any negative emotion such as suffering, sadness, anger, etc. Energy stops flowing when we allow these false beliefs to grow. Through magnetism, we untie these energetic knots in order to release conscious or unconscious traumas. This has as much impact on the psychological level as on the physical body. Everything is connected.


We don't master faith. It's not found on the outside, but hidden within us. It cannot be learned, but lived. It's that feeling of constant peace. To move forward with faith is to trust in the divine energy that takes us where we need to go. Without faith, the soul no longer exists, and if the soul no longer exists, we die in fear. It's essential to find faith before we think or act. If we carry out a task without faith, the taste will be bitter. The energy we bring to everything we do, at every moment, starts with an intention, which obviously comes from faith. By becoming aware that the Source is within us, we gain faith. Faith combats all illness and suffering, and sets us free. Let's agree to purify our soul and our energies to vibrate with the Source and remain in faith. Doubt is merely a mental trap, whereas faith leads us to overcome the impossible.