Creator and founder of Believe

Camille Lutrat Vidacek

Camille Lutrat Vidacek

Camille Lutrat Vidacek is the creator of Believe. Camille has been practicing energy treatments for over 9 years. Her passion and commitment in this field are based on a particular gift that allows her to bring healing and soul liberation to those she helps. She channels the energies of the universe to facilitate the process of healing and balancing the physical and spiritual energies of her clients. A little over two years ago, Camille made the decision to leave for Bali, a place renowned for its spiritual atmosphere and its atmosphere conducive to personal development. His objective was to deepen his natural gift and acquire new knowledge by training with local shamans. This trip offered her the opportunity to dive even deeper into the world of energy care and to develop her skills to better serve her customers. Camille Lutrat Vidacek is an inspiring example of someone who has dedicated her life to the exploration and practice of energy healing, continuously seeking to raise her skill level and to share her talents for the well-being of others. Her approach reflects a deep devotion to the power of energetic healing and connection to the universe to promote health and well-being.

Our exceptional speakers


Ida Bagus Ketut Wijaya Putra and his wife Abhyudaya

Ida Bagus Ketut also calls herself Atu Aji. His gift as well as that of his wife allows him to transform bad energies into positive energies. Coming from a family of healers, Atu Aji can also connect to your soul so you can explore your past lives. He also reads hand lines and has been using numerology for years. He organizes purifications with holy and sacred waters so that people get rid of any emotional poisons and energy blockages.

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Teacher: Yoga master


Tiwi, due to her Balinese origins, knows some secrets to achieve elevation using yoga, an ancient practice that connects the soul and the body to divine power so that we can reconnect with our inner self. Through its method, it allows you to balance the sacred masculine and feminine, to connect yin and yang, through various postures that will bring you harmony and well-being. Let yourself be surprised by Tiwi's guidance.

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Director and musician


Zhenya Topov is a talented musician known for his unique compositions and captivating performances. A master of several instruments, he integrates diverse influences ranging from jazz to classical, through contemporary music and healing sound. His creations are marked by a profound sensitivity and an ability to move and transport his audience. With a career rich in collaborations and concerts, Zhenya Topov takes us into a musical transe.

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Les soins énergétiques

Tes paragraphe

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Les retraites en groupe

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Les retraites sur mesure